Everything You Need To Know About Crimsafe Security Screens

What are crimsafe security screens?

Crimsafe security screens are stainless steel security screens that are strong and guarantee you protection from unwanted intruders such as thieves, animals, and insects. When getting your home done, it is quintessential that you use these on your glass doors and windows. Along with protection, it offers privacy.

Below are some of the benefits the best security screens on the Sunshine Coast offer.



Provides you protection from harsh environmental conditions

Along with protection from thieves, these screens will offer you protection from harsh environmental conditions such as extreme heat, cyclones, and bush fires. Areas around Sunshine Coast are prone to bush fires. Hence, using these will keep you safe from ember and prevent fire attenuation and reduce the intensity of radiant heat reflux and naked flame. Having these on doors and windows will ensure that storm-driven debris doesn’t enter your homes during cyclones. It also offers protection from dust, rain, and hailstones.

Lights up your living place

 We often tend to keep our doors and windows closed to prevent the harmful insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and reptiles from entering our homes. This makes our home look smaller and darker. 

Crimsafe screens will allow light and airflow to come into the living space keeping the intrusion of insects away. They are designed to absorb light and thus make the living space look brighter and larger. It will also prevent your pets and babies from wandering out of the house.

Reduce your energy costs- It offers a layer of protection from heat and cold after installing them over glass doors and windows. It is also helpful in blocking solar heat and UV rays, thereby helping you to keep your house cooler during the summer season. It prevents the heat from flowing out in winter, thereby keeping you warm, safe, and cozy. 

Does not require upgrade- Once you have installed crimsafe screens on your doors and windows, you can rest assured for several years. These screens do not require an upgrade regularly.
 They come in different shapes and colors, allowing you to choose the best for your homes. You can also match them with your interiors. They blend seamlessly without drawing much attention to them. 

Adds value to your home- By installing crimsafe security screens, you won’t need to replace your doors and windows of your house, thus improving your property’s values.

If you are looking for crimsafe screens in the Sunshine coast, you need to look for a reliable company offering the same. 


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